July 22 Message

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit.” – Conrad Hilton


Shabbat Shalom!

As the heat and humidity seem to be climbing, and the days are filled with people traveling seeing friends, family and kids at camp…we know that we are in the middle of summer! A time that is usually a bit quieter, than during the rest of the year.

That may be true for some, but not our WLCJ and sisterhood leadership! This is the time of the year that we are focused on our plans for the coming year. The programs, events, a special interest group that you may be initiating, or even looking for a special social action project to involve more women in your communities.

All of these things require “action”. All of these plans call for change. We all want our sisterhoods to grow and to do that it requires action…trying something new! Creating a Rosh chodesh group! Planning a speakers series! Creating a book club and if you have one, starting another one at a different time of the day! All of these plans require action and progress. Will all be a success? We can hope for that, but we need to be realistic….we know that not all will be a home run, but that does not stop us from trying.

WLCJ can help….please keep that in mind! Our next Distance Workshop is about starting a Rosh Chodesh group for your women. Our website is full of suggestions on social action projects that are tried and true in our sisterhoods around the country…take advantage of this virtual networking opportunity. Post questions on the WLCJNet…you will get responses! The most important part is keep trying, keep moving forward, learn from our mistakes….but never stop trying new things!

This same philosophy works with our families, our friends! We consistently keep changing what we do, where we vacation and try new “customs” for holiday celebrations…that is what keeps live interesting!

And it is July 22nd….exactly one year and a day from now….we will be at our WLCJ Convention…celebrating the start of our 100th year! Plan to be a part of this very exciting and memorable convention…start saving your nickels, quarters and dollars today..to be a part of this historical event…a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Wishing each of us a peaceful and meaningful Shabbat…with peace for our country, Israel and the world!