Gun Violence (2000)

Gun Control (Amended) (2000)

The sanctity of human life is a primary value in Jewish tradition. In an increasingly impersonal and alienating society, the dehumanizing of the human being and the carelessness with which human life is taken, stand in direct violation of these affirmations of our tradition.

The widespread availability of guns in our nation destroys tens of thousands of lives each year.

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism has long supported handgun control legislation at the local, state and national levels (and is a long time member of the Coalition to End Handgun Violence.)

Women’s League was also one of the sponsoring organizations of the Million Mom March on Mother’s Day, 2000 where thousands of our members came to Washington, DC to urge legislation for responsible gun control.

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, in recognition of the proliferation of gun violence in our nation, calls on Congress to recognize this public health hazard and pass meaningful gun control legislation requiring:

  1. Sensible “cooling-off” periods and tougher background checks. All gun buyers should pas a U.S. Justice Department background check before taking possession of a firearm from any gun dealer, licensed or unlicensed;
  2. Enlistment of the support of corporate America and local businesses to deliver the message that guns, in the wrong hands, are unacceptable and to promote education on gun handling and safety.

Gun Control (1976)

The more than 40 million hand guns in circulation today are responsible for the staggering toll of one death per hour throughout the year! Despite the overwhelming public opinion in favor of gun control legislation, the National Rifle Association, with its powerful lobby, has continued to effectively block such legislation.

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, mindful of the Jewish concept of the sanctity of life, recommends that all its affiliated Sisterhoods advocate and support Federal and State legislation:

  1. Requiring registration and licensing of all guns privately owned;
  2. Prohibiting the manufacture and importing of “Saturday Night Specials”.