Israel – Masorti Judaism (1994)

Masorti (Conservative) Movement in Israel (Amended) (1994)

Women’s League (editor’s note: for Conservative Judaism) calls upon the government of the State of Israel to fulfill its obligation and commitment to religious pluralism by:

  1. Officially recognizing the Masorti (Conservative) Movement.
  2. Granting full religious functionary privileges to the Conservative Rabbinate, mohalim, and other religious functionaries.
  3. Providing the same rights to public funds, land, education, and building of synagogues and schools from which other religious groups benefit.
  4. Allowing representation on local religious councils.

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism calls upon the government of Israel to carry out the mandate of the Resolution on Religious Pluralism adopted at the World Jewish Congress in March 1978.

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism urges its Sisterhoods to support the Masorti (Conservative) movement in Israel through branch support of Masorti women’s groups, congregation adoption programs, individual membership in Masorti congregations, and support of the Foundation for Conservative (Masorti) Judaism and the World Council of Synagogues.

Masorti (Conservative) Movement in Israel (1980)

Women’s League calls upon the government of the State of Israel to fulfill its obligation and commitment to religious pluralism by:

  1. Official recognition of the Masorti (Conservative) Movement;
  2. Granting full religious functionary privileges to the Conservative Rabbinate
  3. Providing the same rights to public funds, land, education, building of synagogues and schools from which other religious groups benefit.

We call upon the government of Israel to carry out the mandate of the resolution on religious pluralism adopted at the World Jewish Congress in March, 1978.

We urge our Sisterhoods to support the Masorti (Conservative) Movement in Israel thru Branch support of Masorti Women’s Groups, congregation adoption programs, individual membership in the Masorti congregations and participation the programs of the World Council of Synagogues.

Masorti Judaism (1978)

We join the United Synagogue in seeking to establish new frameworks and to encourage those already in existence whereby a comprehensive Jewish life in Eretz Yisrael can be fostered and lived within the context of Conservative Judaism.

We support the legitimacy of religious pluralism in the State of Israel and call upon its government to carry out the mandate of the resolution to this effect passed by the World Zionist Congress in March, 1978.

We resolve to continue the support and the encouragement of Aliyah, mindful that this is central to the Conservative philosophy of Zionism. We urge the support of the Conservative Movement’s programs and projects in Israel.