Virtual Lobby Day with your State Senators

Thursday, August 8, 2024    
All Day
[This Program is scheduled on eastern time]
Take Action for People and Planet for Tisha B’av

Pre-Tisha B’Av Virtual Lobby Day
for Climate Solutions
August 8, 2024

Register NOW for Virtual Lobby Day

The fast day of Tisha B’av commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. However, it is also a day to reflect on how tragedy can birth transformation. Did you know that Jewish tradition viewed the universe as God’s Temple, and the Temple in Jerusalem, as a microcosm of Earth? There are many different expressions of this idea. For example, the chamber of the Holy of Holies represented the heavens, the sacrificial altar represented the land, and the cast metal sea ( ים מוצק ) that is described in the book of Kings represented the ocean.

Today Earth itself is threatened by climate change. This Tisha B’av we can take action to accelerate the transformation that is already underway by advocating for policies to clean up the pollution caused by fossil fuels, build renewable energy capacity, and further equity by investing in communities that have suffered the most from the energy systems of the past.  

You can make a difference as we approach this Tisha B’av by joining other members of our community to meet with our Members of Congress. Jewish Earth Alliance is organizing the meetings and will provide you with everything you need to participate. It’s easy and effective! Register now.