CGLR: Sisters, Growing, Learning, Inspiring

Sunday, August 18, 2024    
2:00 pm EDT

Rabbi Jaffee, a Cincinnati area rabbi, is Director of Jewish Life and Learning for Rockwern Academy, a Jewish day school. She also leads Cincinnati’s Division of Adulting, a program geared toward young adults. She serves Temple B’nai Israel in Monroe Michigan and regularly teaches at universities and high schools in her area. Connecting to faith communities beyond the Jewish world is of key importance to her and she has created projects that bring diverse groups of people into conversations about identity and faith traditions.

1.Presidents – Margie Miller
2. Program/Education – Linda Wolf, Program VP & Gilda
Schwartz, Education VP & chairs

3. Torah Fund – Rebecca Goldwasser, Torah Fund VP & chairs
4.Membership – Sandra Carleton, Membership VP & chairs
5. Fundraising – Robin Lash & Heidi Wesiman
6. Treasurer & Financial Secretary – Lymor Wasserman, WLCJ
Budget Chair

7.Leadership – Debbie Lempert



Margie Miller, Past WLCJ President and Consultant

continues president training for those of you unable to attend our CGLR Spring Conference.


Linda Wolf and Gilda Schwartz, Education Vice Presidents and Chairs bring years of experience to a discussion with opportunities to share ideas and generate some new ones.

Torah Fund:

Veteran Torah Fund Vice President, Rebecca Goldwasser, will discuss the new campaign and strategies to achieve affiliate goals.


Sandra Carleton, Membership Vice President,

has hit the ground running and will brainstorm ideas to increase and retain members.

Fund Raising:

Robin Lash and Heidi Weisman,

the team responsible for a very successful fund-raising campaign during spring conference, return to share and generate ideas for fund raising.

Treasurer and Financial Secretaries:

WLCJ Budget Chair, Lymor Wasserman,

explores modern payment solutions, understanding bank fees, utilizing QR codes, understanding the data base, working with the synagogue, and electronic record keeping.


for those not part of an Executive Committee, Debbie Lempert, a past congregation president, past sisterhood president, and current WLCJ Consultant, will present team building and committee dynamics.

CGLR Flyer Aug 18 2024 FINAL v5