Post-Convention 2023 Creative Judaic Arts Workshop (Zoom Session)

Thursday, August 24, 2023    
8:00 pm EDT - 9:30 pm EDT

Presented by Jody Glass, Women’s League Creative Judaic Arts Chair

Thursday, August 24, 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT

The Hamsa dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. The word hamsa comes from the Hebrew word hamesh, which means five. Sometimes known as the Hand of Miriam, Moses’ sister, or the Hand of Fatima, Mohammed’s daughter, it is believed to protect against the evil eye and all negative energies.

You will have fun creating your string art Hamsa with a coordinating border.

This project is easy to complete whether in person or at home.

The kit includes all supplies and instructions needed.
We promise, this project will not leave you in knots!

You may still register/order for the Zoom Workshop (August 24).

Materials Cost:  $12.00
Shipping/Freight Cost:  $7.00


Jody Glass