
Human Trafficking

Posted on September 12, 2017

BACKGROUND As Jews, descendants of those who escaped from Egyptian bondage, we are committed to helping combat Human Trafficking, the modern-day slavery. Human trafficking is an abhorrent human rights violation and a form of exploitation, generating profits of US $150 billion worldwide. As of 2016, the International Labor Organization reports that 11.4 million women and girls Continue Reading »

July 21 Message

Posted on July 20, 2017

“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Isaak Waton Shabbat Shalom! My bags are packed!  Standing at the door, waiting for my Uber! This journey has been a life changing experience! And connecting with all of you every Shabbat, well it has been interesting…messages sent from hotels, airports, from Israel, Cuba, Continue Reading »

Women’s League Announces New International Partnership with Sharsheret

Posted on March 21, 2017

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism announces a new international partnership with Sharsheret, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of Jewish women and families, of all backgrounds, facing breast and ovarian cancer “It is critical for Jewish women to work together to educate and empower one another,” said Sharsheret’s Director of National Outreach Melissa Continue Reading »

Human Trafficking Resolution for Review

Posted on March 16, 2017

Background As Jews, we remember the story of our escape from Egyptian bondage, and are now committed to helping combat slavery in all forms. And, since Human Trafficking is modern-day slavery, we must try to eradicate it. Human Trafficking is an abhorrent human rights violation, a profitable criminal activity and a form of exploitation. As of 2014, 11.4 million women Continue Reading »

Conservative Movement Condemns President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration and Refugees

Posted on January 29, 2017

NEW YORK – The Conservative/Masorti movement of Judaism as represented by its constituent organizations listed below has issued the following statement regarding the executive order President Donald Trump signed on Friday barring many refugees and immigrants from entering the United States: Deeply rooted in our tradition, faith, and values, we are a people of immigrants. Continue Reading »

Personal Conversations

Posted on October 27, 2016

We are delighted to invite you to participate in our newest program for members, Personal Conversations. Personal Conversations are an opportunity to address everyday issues that really aren’t so every-day in discussions about obstacles and opportunities, where we are today and where we want to me in the future. Click here for more information.

Former Women’s League president brings the art of weaving to her synagogue

Posted on October 5, 2016

Originally printed at New Jersey News; click here for link. by Debra Rubin NJJN Bureau Chief September 19, 2016 While it is common for many young people to receive a tallit at their bar or bat mitzva ceremonies, few can say they personally designed and wove the religious garment. At Neve Shalom in Metuchen now Continue Reading »

April 1 Message

Posted on April 1, 2016

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” – Chris Grosser Shabbat Shalom! Many of you have heard me say, “that we have no problems, we have challenges and opportunities”! I truly believe that if we look at problems as opportunities. That we can then create solutions which changes something that could take us down into something that Continue Reading »

Reflections on the Cuba Mission

Posted on March 22, 2016

by Grace Schessler BQLI Region President I’ve returned from the Women’s League Mission to Cuba bursting with thoughts to share. We learned, we prayed, we connected, we laughed and we were moved to tears. The Jewish community in Cuba, once over 15,000 in number, is now barely 10% of that. Yet, they are strong, vibrant Continue Reading »

Purim Resources

Posted on March 17, 2016

Purim is almost here! To help our members celebrate, here are resources from Women’s League. Resources The Hiddur Mitzvah Project Vashti’s Banquet Simchat Megillat Esther Mysteries of the Harem Creative Judaic Arts Patterns Beaded Queen Esther Crown Designer Shalach Manot Bags for Penny Pinchers Esther/Vashti bracelet Groggers Mishloach Manot Basket Queen Esther’s Jewels Queen Esther’s Continue Reading »